I will be getting to a more videos regarding this topic in future posts, but for now I will just be adding a quick update.

We recently (end of October) had elections in the country. The part of the election darkened by controversy is presidential race. Which was described by mainstream media, election officials and even the supreme court here as free and fair , and was won by previous President Lula Da Silva.

That was however not the way everybody saw it. This became clear as large parts of the population took to the streets here on extended public display of peaceful demonstrations. At first just questioning the results and declaring their dislike of the president elect, but later even requesting the military to get involved in resolving what they described as a fraudulent election.

In the midst of al this, another interesting development was taking place. Earlier, month before the election, right wing reporters and social media influencers saw a clamping down on their publications by the Supreme Court. Most of right wing media here is found online as traditional media over the years was seen in opposition to the current, right of centre, president. As the election draw near and especially thereafter this clamp down intensified in actions resembling things I only remember from the government of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, except this time with full on tech support from big media.
But rather than seeing masses of rightwing supporters heading back to traditional media, the streets swelled with people and messaging platforms was buzzing as information from now blocked influencers was shared among people. Silly rules got proclaimed by the supreme court, making it unlawful to question the elections.

During all this the sitting president was almost dead quiet. Until now only speaking when necessary.

A strange tension is in the air. One of great hope, yet one mindful of the underlying ticking of something unknown. Shall tomorrow see a new president or shall tomorrow see revolution by the people, supported by the army, shouting; “Brazil above everything God above all!” (the slogan of current president Jair Bolsonaro)