So if you’ve stumbled upon this website and know nothing about me; bare with me as I jump in with what I believe.
I believe in Jesus. Yes I’m a Christian.  But before you dump me in a box with a bunch of religious zealots, let me explain.

I believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Correct. The story of a man who lived more than 2000 years ago. But I believe that there is much more to the story of a man giving his life for us all.
You see the word “Gospel” in the original language refers to “Good News”.  And not any old Good News.  A more accurate translation reveals this Good News to be so “Good” that it is difficult to believe.  So by saying “the Gospel of Jesus Christ” I mean the Good News of Jesus, that seems too good to accepted, believed and taken as truth.

In the posts that will follow you will get to know me better.  What I used to believe, now believe and also, I hope, you might find answers and even questions you have not had before. 
Questions?”, you might ask, “Why would you like me to ask questions, don’t you just want to convince me of your views?”  No I don’t and I don’t need to.
Jesus never wanted himself to be forced down anybodies throat in any way or manner.

I believe what I believe today because someone gave me a book as a Christmas gift.  At the time I was a religious Christian, faithfully serving in my local congregation, I’ve contributed my efforts to cross border missions, local street shelters, prisons and schools.  But this book made me ask questions.  It made me feel lied to and betrayed by the very people I trusted called my family and dearest friend.  Until I realised they where blind just as I was, without the answer.

So I will leave you with this to simmer on.  
Is it possible that what you know about Christianity is a half truth and that the Good News of Jesus you know might be missing the Cherry on top?  Missing the bit about Him, and His Father that is just too Good to be True. So Good that most of the world chooses to rather believe the half truths.

Until next time.  The Good News is out there 😉

PS: to those that know the truth and consider themselves enlightened.  Please know that I have not arrived and my stories will be full of holes and imperfections.  My intent is not be a master of the written word nor of truths I’ve discovered, but merely a sharer of my journey.  And especially since such a journey sharer changed my life right side up.