In the last post, I encouraged you to search for the truth.

So I thought I would mention a few things on how important it is to guard your Gates. Over my time in this blog, I will inevitably share things that will challenge you and it’s my sincere hope that you will not dismiss it straight away nor blindly accept what I propose in my posts.

The world we live in today, more than ever in the history of mankind, has the ability to plug you into a source that feeds information to you.
I am of course referring to all we read, listen to, watch and experience. You can fill in your favourite feed.. Radio; Television; Netflix; Newspaper; Blog/Vlog; Talkshow; Comedy series etc.

“Hang on Werner! This is not you telling me I must stop watching my favourite show is it? Because then I’m out of here…”

You got me!
NO! It is me telling you to consider what you are plugged into. Not me, and not even God is interested in making decisions for you without your consent. But I am into giving you the push to liberation. A push to free yourself from the system that seeks to keep you connected to the sources that don’t afford you choice.


You are faced with a choice almost like Neo in the movie classic The Matrix from 1999 (worth a watch if you have not seen it). You can consider this plugged-in existence you exist in or you can ignore it and be none the wiser.

So if you are plugged in and being fed a steady stream of misinformation since forever. How will you know it? How will you determine the truth from the lie? The answer is easy but difficult.
Easy because it is as simple as deciding that there is possibly another truth, difficult because you must choose what to measure your truth too.

You need a guard at the Gates that feed into your heart and mind. Who or what is your guide?

And this is where I leave you for now. Your journey begins or has begun when you accepted there is more to what you’re fed.

My journey has gone a long way and I have experienced things that can not be explained by science or logic and has ejected me from mainline media, as well as from religious presuppositions and has given me a few different answers to age-old questions posed by humanity. My guard is the Holy Spirit, who in turn is part of the person of God. But enough about me. You will still hear a lot about me.

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